Friday, 9 November 2007

Odd Looking Pervert Sings To People In Room

Monday night sees yet another gig by ex-Hefner frontman and all round perv Darren Hayman. This time he's playing at the Luminaire in Kilburn, one of London's finest venues. Darren is a songwriter who has written plenty about the, ahem, pleasures of London. As the lead singer of Hefner, he penned the lyric "This is London not Antarctica so why don't the tubes run all night?". His website includes a guide to classic London cafes which can be found here. He has the knack of wringing out stories from the most mundane London lives. Seeing Darren live is always a treat and he will be promoting his excellent new album.

Support comes from My Sad Captains. artslondon have witnessed them live and were mightily impressed but a little disappointed when we actually heard them on record. Still, definitely worth getting there early for.

1 comment:

KellyArnstein said...

Odd looking in a good way, I feel.

But that's because I'm odd.